Starting on a serious note this week regarding Charleston and the nine beautiful Black lives that were lost there on Wednesday night. I am tired of gun violence. I lost my only brother to gun violence over 11 years ago. The pain is still there and will always be there.
I am tired of the socioeconomic and racial divide that exists (unacknowledged by many) in this country. I am tired of the countless lives lost and the stolen lives of so many people, young and old.
True compassion and love and a desire to know and understand our neighbor is the only way forward. We CANNOT, we MUST NOT, continue on this path of hatred and violence. Please consider making a donation to support the families of the victims of this horrific tragedy.
Now onto your regularly scheduled Take a Moment…
In the Take a Moment series I encourage you to take a moment for memory keeping and mindfulness. I add in some randomness, share new things I’m learning, and let you know about interesting things I find along the way. Enjoy!
Sometimes I listen to film scores and this podcast fits the bill.
These cool adult coloring books are everywhere right now. (via Elise Joy)
And to go along with ^^^ some coloring bookmarks.
I love seeing other people’s routines. Here’s a morning routine from Mimi Ikonn that includes two things that are in my own morning routine: Headspace and The 5 Minute Journal.
The next FREE Deepak & Oprah 21-Day Meditation Experience starts on July 13. Sign up here!
An inspiring speech by Pico Iyer on mindfulness, social media, and Leonard Cohen.
And finally Take a Moment for some desktop wallpaper inspiration. As part of this series I’m pairing a quote, curated from my Wise Words board on Pinterest, with one of the amazing images from Unsplash. Click the image above, then right click to save it to your computer and use it as your desktop wallpaper.
Have a great weekend! Thank you for taking a moment with me.
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