In the Take a Moment series I encourage you to take a moment for memory keeping and mindfulness. I add in some randomness, share new things I’m learning, and let you know about interesting things I find along the way. Enjoy!
Love this roundup of Summer Mini-Albums.
This brought an instant smile to my face. The pride in the Dad’s eyes…
Loved the discussion from last week’s Paperclipping Roundtable. Lots of mindfulness language used as it relates to creativity and scrapbooking.
I’m not a music connoisseur but this On Being episode moved me. The song at the end, and the artist’s haunting voice, is going to stay with me.
The way we get back to ourselves is by listening again!
And finally Take a Moment for some desktop wallpaper inspiration. As part of this series I’m pairing a quote, curated from my Wise Words board on Pinterest, with one of the amazing images from Unsplash. Click the image above, then right click to save it to your computer and use it as your desktop wallpaper.
Have a great weekend! Thank you for taking a moment with me.
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